Let there be no doubt in your mind that stress impacts our health and wellness.
Unmanaged, and it creates a host of physiological, psychological, and spiritual chaos within our lives, and can effect the people around us and in our lives.
Unchecked stress compromises digestion and also our immune system’s ability to continually protect us from threats (perceived stress).
Initially opening the door for minor health challenges like the average cold, headache, disturbed sleep patterns, a variety of digestive issues, etc., unto chronic illness and disease.
Sure, there is a big in-between area where we gradually don’t feel like ourselves and life loses it’s flavor.
That’s why we formulated SeaBD 75 CBD Immune - Stress Blend.
If increased stress increases the amount of stress on our immune system ultimately causing it to be ineffective, THEN decreased stress decreases the amount of stress on our immune system causing it to be effective.
Hence, the therapeutic dose of Full Spectrum CBD Distillate in SeaBD 75; 3rd Party Tested at over 80 mg of Full Spectrum CBD per gelcap.
Practitioners are having great success abating the symptoms of mild to chronic stress, various mood disorders; and also increasing athletic output and performance.
This intervention with SeaBD 75 CBD offers the patient symptomatic, psychological, and physiological relief while providing the practitioner the opportunity to incorporate a variety of specifically targeted protocols; a worthy mention is cannabidiol’s efficacy inhibiting viral replication within the cells - specifically SARS Co V 2.
Our organic essential oil blend synergistically supports peripheral nervous system balance enabling rest and digest states as well as supporting optimal immune responses and functionality leading to strengthened immunity; one such area of success is strengthening the host’s innate immune response to viral invaders.
Reducing stress related inflammation was an important factor for us to address within this formulation for several reasons.
Firstly, addressing the negative impacts of prolonged inflammatory responses leading to auto-immune disorders;
Secondly, reducing inflammation affected the patients perceived pain and positively affected the patient’s perceived stress;
Thirdly, reducing cytokine storms, and similar immune responses from inflammation supports the immune system’s efforts and ability to combat threats needing elimination.
SeaBD 75 CBD Immune Stress Formula is more than a go-to when you feel like you’re coming down with something and are under greater amounts of stress than usual.
Get ahead of stress and illness and…