SeaBD 75 CBD Promotes Gut Health
Digestion is imperative to overall health. It is through digestion that the body can absorb and assimilate nutrients necessary to carry out its various functions. Digestion also eliminates toxic and accumulated waste from the body, having significant implications for immune health. This process is compromised by stress, diet, as well as other contributing factors such as inflammation- and even the quality of bacteria that reside in the gut.
SeaBD 75 CBD helps to improve digestion as it helps to reduce stress and inflammation in the body, as well as improve overall immunity and the body’s stress response. To get a better picture of how SeaBD works to enhance overall digestion- it is important to review the gut/brain axis- commonly referred to the body/ mind connection.
The body and mind are in constant communication with each other via the gut/brain axis. In fact, the gut has been termed ‘the second brain’ in highlighting this strong connection.
The gut and brain communicate through the nervous system, immune system and hormones bi-directionally via the vagus nerve. This nerve literally runs from the brain to the gut. Whenever we feel stressed or tired this is also experienced in the gut, affecting its overall functioning. Similarly, if our gut health/digestion is compromised, this influences our overall mood and energy, in addition to our overall health.
A closer look at gut health:
The GI tract comprises a complex and dynamic population of bacteria that reside in the gut- termed microbiota. At least 1000 species and more than 7000 strains of microbiota have been identified (1). Microbiota play a crucial role in maintaining immune and metabolic balance as well as influencing our mood.
In fact more than 70% of our immune system is located in the gut, highlighting this relevance (2). Microbiome refers to the collection of good to bad bacteria ratio in the gut and has many implications to our overall health. Altered gut microbiome has been associated with the development of many inflammatory and digestive disorders, as well as wreaks havoc on the body’s immune and stress response.
Gut microbiota are closely associated with pro- and anti-inflammatory balance, as well as immune and gut–brain axis. The good to bad bacteria in the gut influence healthy levels of neurotransmitter concentrations; such as Serotonin, Dopamine and GABA- all relevant to our mood- as well as help us to cope with stress in more adaptive ways (3).
Our SeaBD 75 CBD Formula has vast implications in terms of promoting overall digestive health. Helping to strengthen immunity by supporting a healthy immune response in the body to stress and inflammation.
A number of digestive disorders- such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)- encompassing Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis, in addition to Gastritis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) manifest from inflammation, stress/lifestyle factors, as well as insufficient nutrition (4), (5), (6).
The natural, yet effective ingredients of our SeaBD 75 CBD thoroughly addresses these underlying causes.
The phytocannabinoids in SeaBD 75 CBD have an imperative role in balancing the body’s natural Endocannabinoid System; reducing inflammation, improving upon digestion, immunity, and the body’s stress response (7). Furthermore, the essential oils in SeaBD 75 CBD have numerous implications for mood health- helping the body to manage stress- thereby having an influence on digestion, inflammation and immune health.
Finally, Sea Buckthorn Oil is rich in nutritional content- further supporting gut health- as well as having significant antioxidant and healing properties in terms of inflammation and immunity.
For a closer look at the ingredients of Sea Buckthorn Oil please refer to our previous blog.
In conjunction with Perfect Balance Digestive Enzymes- that address key digestion mechanisms that are compromised from nutritional deficiencies, stress, low HCL, enzymes and bile- often leading to these digestive disorders overtime- we can promote healthy digestion in the body from a body/mind approach.
These products not only address stress- that greatly impedes upon digestion and therefore immune health- but also integral parts of the digestive process- that would otherwise lead to inflammation and bacterial overgrowth (compromising our bad to good bacteria ratio). Our Perfect Balance Digestive Enzymes also support healthy detoxification pathways in the body, greatly enhancing elimination and detoxification crucial to strengthening the immune system and overall functioning of the body.
Cryan J. F & Dinan T. G. (2012). Mind-altering microorganisms: the impact of the gut microbiota on brain and behavior. Nature Review, Neuroscience.
Westfall, S et al. (2017). Microbiome, probiotics and neurodegenerative diseases: Deciphering the gut brain axis. Cell. Mol. Life Sci,74, 3769–3787.
Margolis K. G, Cryan J. F, & Mayer E. A. (2021). The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: From Motility to Mood. Gastroenterology, 22
Nouvenne A. et al. (2018). Digestive disorders and intestinal microbiota. Acta Biomed, 89, 47-51.
Mahmoud A. (2020). The relationship between affective disorders and pain: Focusing on the functional gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, Annals Series on Biological Sciences, 9, 50-63.
Alemaeo C. A et al. (2020). Impact of diet and the bacterial microbiome on the mucous barrier and immune disorders. Allergy Review, 10.
Di Marzo V. (2020). The endocannabinoidome as a substrate for noneuphoric phytocannabinoid action and gut microbiome dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders. Dialogues Clinical Neuroscience, 22, 259-269.